Sip & Spirit Taiwan (SST 2025) 首屆登場
2025/02/07 ~ 2025/02/24
台灣調酒界年度盛事 「Sip & Spirit Taiwan」 2025 年 2 ⽉ 23 ⽇於台北晶華酒店 盛⼤舉⾏!
由 BAR MOOD 創辦⼈ Nick Wu 發起這場國際級調酒盛會,將台灣頂尖酒吧與世界知名調酒師匯聚⼀堂,以創意調酒為媒介,展現台灣深厚的⽂化底蘊與無限創造⼒,開啟跨⽂化對話的全新篇章。
14家台灣酒吧 × 26家國際名店,40 款聯名特調,塑立調酒新標竿
2 ⽉ 23 ⽇雞尾酒展 盛事是本次活動的核⼼亮點,由台灣本⼟酒吧聯⼿國際調酒師,以跨國聯名調酒展現創意價值,共同打造限定調酒。
• 獨家限量特調:每個攤位將由⼀間台灣本⼟酒吧負責調製,提供⼀款店內原創調酒,並與兩家國際名店合作,推出聯名特調。
• 國際陣容豪華:來⾃⽇本、韓國、新加坡、泰國、⾺來⻄亞、印度、印尼、越南、中國、菲律賓與柬埔寨等地的知名酒吧共襄盛舉,攜⼿將台灣調酒推向全球舞台,共同呈現跨國⽂化交融的無限可能。
Sip & Spirit Taiwan 2025, happening on February 23-24 at the Regent Taipei, is an international cocktail event founded by Nick Wu, the creator of BAR MOOD. This prestigious gathering will showcase 14 top Taiwanese bars and 27 renowned international bars, offering 41 exclusive cocktails that fuse global flavors with Taiwanese creativity. The event highlights cross-cultural collaboration, featuring unique cocktails crafted through partnerships between local and international bartenders. With participants from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, the Philippines, and Cambodia, Sips & Spirits Taiwan aims to elevate Taiwan's cocktail scene to the global stage.
• 台北
- Bar Pine松
- Bar PUN
- Booking
- Commons
- HiBoRu
- The Public House
- To Infinity & Beyond
- 無 wu
• 台中
- Vender
• 台南
• ⾼雄
國際酒吧(依東亞 → 東南亞 → 南亞排序)
• ⽇本
- Bar High Five
- Bar Libre
- Bar Nayuta
- Royal Bar
• 韓國
- Alice Cheongdam
- Bar Cham
- Le Chamber
• 中國
- Hope & Sesame
• 新加坡
- Live Twice
- Last Word
- Nutmeg & Clove
- Night Hawk
- Offtrack
- Origin Bar
- Stay Gold Flamingo
• 泰國
- BKK Social Club
- Dry Wave Cocktail Studio
• ⾺來⻄亞
- Backdoor Bodega
- Coley
• 印尼
- The Cocktail Club Jakarta
• 越南
• 菲律賓
- The Curator
• 柬埔寨
- Sora
• 印度
- Home Bar
- Boilermaker
贊助商 : (依字⺟排序)
- Código 1530 Tequila
- Jameson Irish Whiskey
- Flor de Caña
- The Glenlivet Scotch Whisky
- The Macallan
- Tito's Handmade Vodka
- 原價 $1,500 元
- ($500元入場費,可兌換三杯調酒)
早⿃票 $1,200元
- (200 元入場費,可兌換三杯調酒)
- 現場加購酒券
- 單張 $400 元 | 三張 $1,000元
(皆加贈 PaperPlane 酒吧隨⾏卡)
(100+ 頂尖酒吧最⾼ 12% 消費回饋)
- Early Bird Ticket: NT$1,200 (Includes entry fee NT$200, 3 cocktails)
Additional Benefits :
- PaperPlane Bar Companion Card
- Up to 12% consumption rebate at 100+ top bars
- PaperPlane Bar Companion Card
- Up to 12% consumption rebate at 100+ top bars
- Regular Ticket: NT$1,500 (Includes entry fee NT$500, 3cocktails)
On-site Add-on Drink Vouchers: Single ticket NT$400 | Three tickets NT$1,000
• ⾄格蘭利威The Glenlivet、尊美醇Jameson攤位,加入「保樂⼒加酩家沙龍Line官⽅帳號」,即享有純飲體驗。
• 至⿆卡倫攤位掃描QR Code加入「⿆卡倫Line官⽅帳號」,即可獲得⿆卡倫雙雪莉桶12年純飲⼄杯(15ml)。
With an event admission ticket:
With an event admission ticket:
- Visit The Glenlivet and Jameson booths, join the "Pernod Ricard Salon" official LINE account, and enjoy a neat tasting experience.
- Visit The Macallan booth, scan the QR Code to join the "Macallan" official LINE account, and receive a 15ml neat pour of Macallan Double Cask 12 Years Old.