T.C.R.C. (The Checkered Record Club)創立於2007年, 初始為展演空間,後期延伸出音樂品牌專營唱片發行與活動企劃。 2009年投入酒吧經營,團隊屢次榮獲亞洲前50大酒吧與國際賽事, 未來將繼續致力於台灣新飲酒文化與音樂場景發展。
*營業時間為:週一~週六 20:00~02:00 Open:MON~SAT 20:00~02:00 *最後點酒:00:30 Last order:00:30
《訂位須知》 ☑️電話無法訂位。只接受inline 訂位。 Not taking phone reservations. Only take 『 inline 』for reservation. ☑️每月1日00:01開放『當月份』訂位。 Reservations are open at 00:01 on the 1st of each month. ☑️六人以上恕不接待 Six Customers Maximum. ☑️請勿拆位訂位,違反者恕不接待。 Please don’t separate your reservation, violator will not be accepted. ☑️座位依現場狀況安排,不接受選位 Seats are arranged according to the situation, so you may not be able to choose your own seat. ☑️座位有限,訂位人數確定後,不接受現場增減人數。 Space is limited. After your reservation is made, changing the number of guests in your party cannot be accommodated. ☑️位子保留十分鐘,不電話通知,超過時間人數未到齊即取消訂位。 The seats will be held for a maximum of 10 minutes after the appointed time; late arrival will result in your reservation being cancelled without notice. ☑️18歲以下不接待 Under 18 years old are not reception.
《消費須知》 ☑️每人低消NTD$350 (不包含食物) The minimum charge is NT$350 per person. (Meal not included) ☑️4-6人座 桌消NTD$2000(不包含食物) The minimum charge for a table for 4 to 6 people is NT$2000. (Meal not included) ☑️限時2小時,屆時服務人員將主動為您結帳 The time limit is 2 hours. Our staff will graciously let you know when time has expired. ☑️只收現金 Cash only.
T.C.R.C. (The Checkered Record Club)創立於2007年, 初始為展演空間,後期延伸出音樂品牌專營唱片發行與活動企劃。 2009年投入酒吧經營,團隊屢次榮獲亞洲前50大酒吧與國際賽事, 未來將繼續致力於台灣新飲酒文化與音樂場景發展。 TCRC was founded in 2007. We started as a venue for independent performers and local bands. Over the years, we gained much experience and began releasing music records and planning events and tours for independent artists. In 2009, we really set about focusing on and putting much effort into the bar side of our business. Several times Bar TCRC has ranked among Asia’s 50 Best Bars and our team has been successful in international bartender competitions. Here at Bar TCRC, we will keep working hard and continue to devote ourselves to Taiwan’s drinking culture and to the betterment of Taiwan’s music industry.
Bala|BAR TCRC & Phowa Bar Manager 喜歡突破框架,也喜歡加入生活經驗裡的甜與鹹,每每設計出的創意雞尾酒都讓人驚嘆不已,從彈珠汽水到夜市人生,對於比賽的想像充滿在地草根意象,又飽含現代雞尾酒技術的底蘊,華而實在。 個人經歷: 2018 World Class Taiwan Top 10 2018 Tanqueray Runway competition 2nd 2021 World Class Taiwan Top 5